The Best SMS Marketing Platforms for Your Business

How to Find the Best SMS Marketing Platform

A detailed analysis of SMS marketing services illustrates that text message marketing campaigns could be a smart move for your company. Instead of flooding clients or potential customers’ email inboxes with marketing messages, SMS advertising allows for immediate access and communication. Furthermore, texting is a more informal communication tool to establish a relationship with your client base. Remember, the ultimate goal of SMS marketing services is to create intentionality and exclusivity to build customer relationships–thus leading to increased revenue.

As you consider using a SMS marketing platform for your business, think about partnering with a company that can provide guidance and expert advice to help you establish and accomplish your goals. It’s important to institute a text message marketing campaign that matches your customer and business needs.

What is an SMS Marketing Platform?

A SMS marketing platform (also known as a SMS marketing service) is a tool that can create and send text messages to certain phone numbers. Text messages can be used by businesses for a variety of reasons, including sale information, shipping confirmation, back-in-stock details, and more. Most importantly, these SMS marketing services allow businesses to send automated text messages after a shopper’s specific action, such as signing up for text alerts or requesting more details about a product. Choosing the right SMS marketing platform for your business will help streamline communication with your clients and potential customers, develop relationships with them, and, ultimately, increase your revenue stream.

How Can You Evaluate Text Message Marketing Platforms?

As you consider incorporating a SMS marketing platform into your business strategy, remember to choose a platform that will help you achieve your business goals. An effective text message marketing platform should have the ability to personalize messages, divide up your audiences, and track your return on investment (ROI).

Furthermore, think about utilizing a text message marketing platform that provides both email and SMS marketing services, so that you get an accurate measurement of the performance of your campaigns.

Finally, be sure that the text message marketing service is focused on and aware of the nuances of compliance. For SMS marketing, compliance is mandatory. Businesses can only text subscribers who have given their clear approval; companies must also allow for subscribers to opt out at any time.

Where Do You Find a High-Rated SMS Marketing Platform?

Searching the internet is the best place to find a text message marketing platform that will work with your business needs. First, there are a variety of different companies that publish blog posts regarding SMS marketing platforms reviews. Look for articles titled “The 10 Best SMS Marketing Platforms in 2021” or “The Best SMS Marketing Software.” Then, go directly to these platforms’ websites and look for customer reviews and rankings. Do your research: remember, the SMS campaigns that these companies put together need to align with your business goals and help you increase your revenue stream.

To help get you started, here are some SMS marketing programs that are well-reviewed by hundreds of clients and are known in the tech world for their innovation and success: