5 Graphic Design Tips for Your New Business

Graphic Design Tips for New Businesses

This article was written by: 
Lewis Robinson, Business Consultant and Writer.

In the days of online content being immediately available at the click of a button, many businesses are finding it increasingly important to ensure their digital presence is stronger than ever. If you’re new to the market and looking to bring your new brand to the world-wide-web, making sure your graphic design is on point can be a critical step.

Know Your Audience

At the heart of every new business venture is the same thing: the end consumer. Understanding your target audience is perhaps the most important element to consider when thinking about your graphic design strategy. Are you hoping to sell life insurance to an aging population? Are you opening a dog grooming service in a small town? Are you posting content on a blog for new moms? No matter your purpose, you want to strongly consider who it is you imagine on the receiving end of your design, as your perception of who that person is can drive the rest of your decisions.

Grab Attention With a Strong Logo

A logo can be one of the strongest identifiers of a brand, so you want to make sure that yours is one that grabs consumers’ attention. A logo should be something unique, but still recognizable. Make sure your logo is fresh and unique, so viewers will recognize it as such and not accuse you of copying someone else. You also want to think about the scale-ability of your design; will it maintain its integrity when shrunk to fit on a pen the same as when it’s blown up to fit on a t-shirt or billboard? Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of an online logo maker. Tools like these can help both during the conception and revision stages of your logo design.

Tell Your Story

Research is beginning to show that the millennial generation values a good story, so tell yours. Make sure the story of your business and how it began is easily found on your website. Don’t be afraid to pull back the curtain on your struggles as well as your triumphs, as readers are typically able to easily tell when a story reads as inflated and inauthentic. In additional to literally telling your story, keep in mind that the choices you make on your website convey a story as well. Be intentional in your choices for fonts, layout, and color schemes, as the visual impression you leave can speak to who you are just as much as any words you write.

Capitalize on Social Media

Social media platforms have made it easier than ever to share content with a wide berth; however, because it’s so easy to share online, it’s almost harder to post content that people actually digest and don’t just swipe by in haste. In terms of graphic design, you want to make sure you are creating content that is distinct and engaging. Before posting anything, determine a purpose. Is your goal to have your audience members take action of some sort? Is this post going to increase sales? Are you hoping to generate a specific emotion among viewers? Knowing your purpose in advance can help you to further tell your story and lead your target audience towards your desired outcome.

Be Consistent

Sometimes the greatest mistake businesses make in their graphic design initiatives is becoming inconsistent. When done right, strong graphic design elements build trust between a business and a consumer, but inconsistencies can whittle away at that trust until it’s gone completely. Once you have implemented a set of design tactics, keep them in place for as long as you can without letting them go stale. Consistency doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing over and over; rather, consistency is more so about finding what works for both you and your consumer base and keeping those elements strong. If something isn’t working quite right, consider tweaking it instead of abandoning it outright. Gather feedback from your audience and adjust accordingly. Keep in mind that once you shift and become inconsistent, it will be hard for your clientele to know when to trust what you say again.

Consumers today have nearly unlimited access to the brands they love, and many consumers and brands thrive based on this co-dependent relationship. In today’s digitally driven marketplace, putting your best brand face forward is growing increasingly more critical- especially because you may only have one chance to do so. Taking the time to make sure your graphic design is audience centered, story-centered, consistent and intentional can help set you on the right path to business success.

Lewis Robinson is a business consultant specializing in CRM and sales. He’s helped start several small businesses. He currently spends his time as a writer and personal consultant.